R&R Legal Group is a law firm that focuses on practicing family law in Regina, Saskatchewan. We are available to discuss with you whatever challenges you are currently facing with your family matters. Below are some starting points for your review. Feel free to contact R&R Legal Group when you are ready to discuss your options, and what we can do to help you move to the conclusion you need.

What is custody? What is sole custody versus shared custody? Which parent gets to make the decisions for the children in a separation? There are many questions that you may have when it comes to custody and decision-making authority, and we can help you answer them.
If there are children involved in your separation, it is likely that child support will have to be paid by one or more parents. R&R Legal Group can help you determine the correct amount of child support you should be paying or receiving. As child support can vary on a yearly basis, we can also help you adjust previously-agreed child support agreements or orders based on your current financial situation.

Spousal support can be a difficult and complicated issue for a separating couple. Whether or not spousal support has to be paid when a couple separates depend on your circumstances. We are experienced in dealing with spousal support orders and can help you determine if you or your spouse may have to pay spousal support as well as calculating those payments.
Family property is a challenge. What are the rules? What are my rights? Could I lose everything? R&R Legal Group can help guide you through the process of separating financially from your spouse.

What happens to the children when we separate? Do I have the right to see my children? Do I have to let the other parent spend time with our children? We will provide you with practical advice to make sure that the best interests of your children are protected.
If you and your spouse are able to agree on how to split your property, the amount of support to be paid and the parenting arrangements for your children, you can save a lot of money on legal fees and avoid going to Court. We are familiar with drafting Separation Agreements to ensure that the agreement that you and your spouse came to is legally enforceable.

If you are living with your partner, married, or considering marriage, an interspousal agreement can ensure that your interests are protected. R&R Legal Group can help you determine what type of Agreement you need for your situation and draft the Agreement for you to bring you peace of mind knowing that you have an Agreement in place that protects your legal interests.
Adoption is a beautiful way to bring a child into your family or to legally solidify the relationship you have with a step-child. Learn more about adoption and how R&R Legal Group can help you.

As a grandparent do I have the right to see my grandchild? R&R Legal Group can help you determine if you have rights as a grandparent and what those rights include.
Have you considered relocating with or without your children, and are wondering what laws could apply? Has your spouse told you about an upcoming move, and you are concerned? Children moving can have major implications on decisions, parenting time and relationships. Read more about your rights, responsibilities and how R&R Legal Group can help.

Hiring lawyers, reading legal documents, and going to court can be difficult and expensive. There are many people who simply require clear guidance on how to present their cases to the Court themselves. Let us show you what she can do to empower you to do it yourself.
Get in Touch
2161 Scarth Street
Regina, SK S4P 2H8
Email: Office@RobertsonLegal.ca
Phone: (306) 205-5506
Fax: (306) 205-2604
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